“On the Wings of Hermès”《爱马仕,飞马行空》奇幻剧场

项目品牌: HERMES 爱马仕

项目行业: 演出

项目日期: 2023-12-15 09:00 2023-12-15 17:00

项目地点: 上海 西岸艺术中心

项目名称: “On the Wings of Hermès”《爱马仕,飞马行空》奇幻剧场

12 月 9 日,法国标志性时装品牌爱马仕 (Hermès) 拉开了令人惊叹的沉浸式戏剧表演  “On the Wings of Hermès” 上海西岸艺术中心。继东京、巴黎、台北、洛杉矶和香港之后,这一环游世界的奇观又登陆上海,为观众带来一场疯狂之旅,带您进入爱马仕异想天开的梦幻世界。

On December 9th, iconic French fashion house Hermès kicked off its mind-blowing immersive theatre show “On the Wings of Hermès” at the West Bund Art Center in Shanghai. After hitting up Tokyo, Paris, Taipei, LA, and Hong Kong, this globetrotting spectacle landed in Shanghai, promising a wild ride for the audience into the whimsical and dreamy universe of Hermès.

根据艺术总监 Pierre-Alexis Dumas 的说法,这场秀是轻盈的隐喻,他认为,这种东西融入了爱马仕的一切,从“工匠用两根针同时缝制的精致双手”到“材料的优雅,以及香水的微妙香调”。

According to artistic director Pierre-Alexis Dumas, the show serves as a metaphor for lightness, something he believes infuses everything at Hermès from “the delicate hands of [its] craftsmen sewing with two needles at once” to “the elegance of materials, and in the subtle notes of a perfume”.

今年早些时候,在 Prada 的种子项目中看到了类似的抽象品牌故事讲述方式,在该项目中,这家意大利时装屋邀请公众参与种植、培育和欣赏花卉。该品牌强调这一举措是对美、关怀和爱的探索,或者所谓的“人类永恒的、永恒的价值观”。

We saw a similarly abstract take on brand storytelling earlier this year with Prada’s Seed Project, in which the Italian fashion house invited the public to plant, nurture, and appreciate flowers. The brand highlighted this initiative as an exploration of beauty, care, and love, or what it calls “eternal, timeless values of humanity.”

“On the Wings of Hermès” 将这种哲学思考带入表演领域,为种子计划提供了一种不同的互动性。该剧是电影导演雅科·范·多梅尔 (Jaco Van Dormael) 和编舞米歇尔·安妮·德梅 (Michèle Anne De Mey) 的创意,他们此前曾为德梅 (De Mey) 的黄芪舞团合作制作了两部跨流派的舞台作品。与两人之前的作品一样,《乘着爱马仕的翅膀》是当代舞蹈、物体剧场和电影的碰撞,这一次创造了一个梦幻般的爱马仕宇宙。

“On the Wings of Hermès” takes this kind of philosophical contemplation into the realm of performance, offering a different kind of interactivity to the Seed Project. The show is the brainchild of film director Jaco Van Dormael and choreographer Michèle Anne De Mey, who have previously collaborated on two genre-bending stage productions for De Mey’s Astragales dance company. Like the pair’s previous efforts, “On the Wings of Hermès” is a collision of contemporary dance, object theatre, and cinema, this time creating a fantastical Hermès universe.


The show is sure to delight families and fashion enthusiasts, as well as urbanites looking for a unique experience in the city. Even more importantly for Hermès, the unique experience is set to forge a strong connection with aspiring and long-time luxury consumers alike, reigniting Hermès’ image as a brand with craftsmanship and ambition at its core.


继东京、巴黎、台北、洛杉矶和香港巡演后,《爱马仕,飞马行空》奇幻剧场的环球之旅来到上海,邀请观众潜入由比利时导演Jaco Van Dormael、编舞家Michèle Anne De Mey携手Astragales舞团共同编织的梦幻奇境,“这场表演是对‘轻盈’的隐喻,在爱马仕,它无处不在。”爱马仕全球艺术总监Pierre-Alexis Dumas如是说。



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