【GDX】华纳兄弟 IT House
IT House – Warner Bros.
The Challenge 挑战
Warner Bros. knew they had a hit movie on their hands, but struggled on how exactly they could promote such a popular yet terrifying title in the event space.
The Solution 解决方案
Constructed at Hollywood & Vine in Los Angeles, The Neibolt House, was a hyper-viral destination designed by Grandesign to promote the release of New Line Cinema’s IT.
Neibolt House 是在洛杉矶好莱坞和藤大厦建造的,是由Grandesign设计的超病毒场所,旨在促进(推广)New Line Cinema的IT的发布。
From the moment the activation was announced, the demand for the experience exceeded all expectations. More than 30,000 fans were invited to step inside the two-story IT house replica.
从这个项目宣布启动的那一刻起,对体验的需求就超出了其他所有期望。我们邀请了30,000多名粉丝走进这栋两层楼的 IT之家 拍摄的复制房屋。
They were guided by the doomed “Georgie” and ventured room-by-room through immersive, film-inspired scenes complete with authentic film props.
他们在“the doomed Georgie”的引导下,一个个房间一个房间地进入沉浸式的电影风格场景,并配以真实的电影道具。
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